Sunday, December 1, 2013


ことし二千三十三です。わたしは四十五さいです。コロンビア大学の中国のれきし (history) のきょうしです。コロンビア大学のきょうしのせいかつはいそがしですが、とてもおもしろいです。わたしはゆうめいな中国のれきしの本をにさつかきました。




Saturday, November 30, 2013

週の木曜日はかんしゃさい(Thanksgiving) です。わたしはかぞくとくるまでボストンへ行きました。母(はは)はボストんから来ました。わたしはベジタリアンですから、トルク(Turkey) をたべませんでした。"やさいのトルク" をたべました。“やさいのトルク” 何ですか? みてください!

My sister, cousin, and I made it together!


アメリカのまちの中で、わたしはシカゴ(Chicago) がいちばんすきです。シカゴとてもさむいですが、きれいです。シカゴ人はとてもしんせつです。そしておもしろいです。わたしはシカゴのピザ(pizza) がとてもすきです。シカゴのピザはニューヨークのピザよりおいしいです!わたしは2006年から2012年までシカゴにいました。わたしはシカゴへかえりたいです!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013



Mission Chinese

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

今週の金曜日(こんしゅうのきんようび) に家族(かぞく)と飛行機(ひこうき)でセントルイスへ行きます(いきます)。私の(わたしの)祖母(そぼ)セントルイスから来ました(きました)。祖母(そぼ)の誕生日(たんじょうび)今週の土曜日(こんしゅうのどようび)です。今年(ことし)祖母(そぼ)九十六歳(きゅうじゅうろくさい)です!

Monday, September 30, 2013

This past summer I went to Richmond, Virginia to research the history of the China's Children Fund, an organization that built and operated more than 40 orphanages in China between 1938 and 1950.  Among my discoveries was that when the organization was forced to leave China in 1950 (shortly after the Chinese Communist Revolution of 1949), it opened an office in Japan and began constructing orphanages there.  These orphanages mostly cared for the children of Japanese women with U.S. military men, many of whom were unable to provide for the children after their American fathers returned home (and, in certain cases, stopped providing financial support).  I found what is likely a rich set of unexamined primary sources documenting this phenomenon, but I couldn't read them because they were in Japanese!

 This provides one concrete example in which learning to read Japanese sources could aid me in my historical research, and allow me to explore transnational historical connections between China, the United States, and Japan in a way that I simply cannot without learning Japanese.  While my research focuses on the cultural history of U.S.-China relations, I have learned that this is a story that often includes Japan, and that therefore I need to learn to read Japanese in order to fully pursue my research.  Moreover, much excellent historiography on modern Chinese and international history is written by Japanese scholars, and learning Japanese will allow me to learn from and engage with their research.
